"The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers." -Erich Fromm
"Always imitate the behavior of the winner when you lose" -Anonymous
"The dreams you see most clearly are most likely to come true. " -Barney the dinosaur
"The person who has earned love the least needs it the most." -F. Enzio Busche
"If you want your dreams to come true, don't oversleep. " -Unknown
"The desire of knowledge, like the thirst of riches, increases ever with the acquisition of it. " -Laurence Sterne
"Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine." -Elvis Presley
"Have no friends not equal to yourself." -Confucius
"You must not under any pretense allow your mind to dwell on any thought that is not positive, constructive, optimistic, kind." -Emmet Fox
"Curiosity is as much the parent of attention, as attention is of memory." -Richard Whately