"There is no wisdom without love." -N. Sri Ram

"Your reputation is in the hands of others. That's what a reputation is. You can't control that. The only thing you can control is your character." -Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Everything is bilateral in the domain of thought. Ideas are binary. Janus is the myth of criticism and the symbol of genius. Only God is triangular!" -Honore de Balzac

"Discovery lies in seeing what everyone sees, but thinking what know one has thought. " -Unknown

"Our common language is ... English. And our common task is to ensure that our non-English-speaking children learn this common language." -William John Bennett

"The trouble with opportunity is that it always comes disguised as hard work." -Anonymous

"If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come." -American Indian Proverb

"Never tire yourself more than necessary, even if you have to found a culture on the fatigue of your bones." -Antonin Artaud

"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past." -Thomas Jefferson

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage." -Lao Tzu