"You are the same today that you are going to be in five years from now except for two things the people with whom you associate and the books you read." -Charles Jones

"What I am looking for is not out there � it�s in me." -Helen Keller

"The poorest man in the world is not a man without a cent to his name, but it's the man who does not have a dream. " -Unknown

"The happiest life is that which consistently exercises and educates what is best in us. " -Philip G. Hamerton

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." -George Orwell

"Only when your consciousness is totally focused on the moment you are in can you receive whatever gift, lesson, or delight that moment has to offer." -Barbara De Angelis

"This became a credo of mine . . . attempt the impossible in order to improve your work." -Bette Davis

"It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds." -Aesop

"Friendship is like money, easier made than kept." -Samuel Butler

"A melancholy-looking man, he had the appearance of one who has searched for the leak in life's gas-pipe with a lighted candle." -P.G. Wodehouse