"We love the things we love for what they are." -Robert Lee Frost

"You are the same today that you are going to be in five years from now except for two things the people with whom you associate and the books you read." -Charles Jones

"If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies." -Moshe Dayan

"There is never jealousy where there is not strong regard." -Washington Irving

"Dig where the gold isunless you just need some exercise." -John M. Capozzi

"Don't worry so much about your self-esteem. Worry more about your character. Integrity is its own reward." -Dr. Laura Schlessinger

"Old habits can't be thrown out the upstairs window. They have to be coaxed down the stairs one step at a time." -Mark Twain

"Apparent failure may hold in its rough shell the germs of a success that will blossom in time, and bear fruit throughout eternity." -Frances Watkins Harper

"Anything that keeps a politician humble is healthy for democracy." -Blessing Irish

"Experience praises the most happy is the one who made the most people happy." -Karl Marx