"Mind unemployed is mind unenjoyed." -John Christian Bovee

"A man can do all things if he but wills them." -Leon Battista Alberti

"Nothing strengthens the judgment and quickens the conscience like individual responsibility." -Elizabeth Cady Stanton

"Tonight we are launching an effort which holds the promise of changing the course of human history." -Ronald Reagan

"The greatest happiness of life it the conviction that we are loved loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." -Victor Marie Hugo

"Valor consists in the power of self-recovery." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"To conquer without risk is to triumph without glory. " -El Cid

"That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet." -Emily Dickenson

"If at first you don't succeed - you're fired." -Jean Graman

"Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace." -Buddha