"Indecision is the seedling of fear." -Napoleon Hill

"There would be no great ones if there were no little ones." -George Herber

"Evil deeds do not prosper the slow man catches up with the swift." -Homer

"Account no man happy till he dies." -Euripides

"Celebrate any progress. Don't wait to get perfect." -Ann McGee Cooper

"It may be that we have all lived before and died, and this is hell." -A. L. Prusick

"If you�re not giving the world the best you have, what world are you saving it for?" -Kent Keith

"The deepest human defeat suffered by human beings is constituted by the difference between what one was capable of becoming and what one has in fact become." -Ashley Montague

"Difficulty is the excuse history never accepts." -Edward R. Murrow

"Instinct is the nose of the mind." -Delphine de Girardin