"Do not envy a sinner you don't know what disaster awaits him." -Bible
"One does evil enough when one does nothing good." -German proverb
"Doing your best is more important than being the best. " -Unknown
"There is no genius free from some tincture of madness." -Lucius Annaeus Seneca
"You will never find time for anything. You must make it." -Charles Buxton
"Strong reasons make strong actions." -William Shakespeare
"To lead in the 21st century-to take soldiers, sailors, and airmen into battle, you will be required to have both character and competence." -General H. Norman Schwarzkopf
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer everybody else up. " -Mark Twain
"Blood is inherited and virtue is acquired." -Venezuelan Proverb
"There is no substitute for accurate knowledge. Know yourself, know your business, know your men." -Randall Jacobs