"Friendship is like a prism through which the many variations of beauty are revealed in our lives." -Anonymous
"When humor goes, there goes civilization." -Erma Bombeck
"The only worthwhile achievements of man are those which are socially useful." -Alfred Adler
"I daresay one profits more by the mistakes one makes off one's own bat than by doing the right thing on somebody's else advice." -W. Somerset Maugham
"A bit of baseball wisdom: You can�t steal second with your foot on first." -Anthony Robbins
"The universe is an intelligence test." -Timothy Leary
"Are you going out after the truth, or are you going out after something you believe?" -Richard D. Rosen
"A great man will not trample upon a worm, nor sneak to an emperor." -Thomas Fuller
"Sex is emotion in motion." -Mae West
"'Tis not every question that deserves an answer." -Thomas Fuller