"In interactions with others, instead of trying to be right, why don�t we try being kind?" -Wayne Dyer

"They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing" -Hindu proverb

"Courage is of no value unless accompanied by justice yet if all men became just, there would be no need for courage." -Agesilaus the Second

"Human nature is not of itself vicious." -Thomas Paine

"If we don't know what we want, we become like a floating balloon. Our direction in life is at the mercy of external forces." -Bob Greene

"Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your promotion." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Life at any time can become difficult. Life at any time can become easy. It all depends upon how one adjusts oneself to life." -Morarji Desai

"A man is never astonished that he doesn't know what another does, but he is surprised at the gross ignorance of the other in not knowing what he does." -Halibuton

"Think big, believe big, act big, and the results will be big. " -Anonymous

"Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone." -Jim Freiberg